sexta-feira, 4 de novembro de 2011

Ice Hawaii


  • 01 can of heavy cream (395 g);
  • 01 can of condensed milk (395 g);
  • 01 cup of tea, pineapple, chopped;
  • 01 cup of tea, freshly grated coconut. 


In a saucepan place the pineapple and ½ cup of tea, water and light the fire and boil until the pineapple is cooked. Remove and cool. Add condensed milk and hezvy cream and beat everything in a blender until very smooth. Add the coconut and mix. Cover with plastic wrap and freeze for about 04 hours. Remove, stir well with a spoon and return to freezer and allow for about 12 hours.


  • 05 servings

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